Fernando Pessoa at Castelo de São Jorge
Guided tour
“Fernando Pessoa at Castelo de São Jorge”
with Casa Fernando Pessoa, at Castelo de São Jorge
From Castelo de São Jorge you can see and feel the whole city – without which the life and work of Fernando Pessoa would not exist as we know it. On this visit, we’ll travel through Pessoa’s poetry and prose, with our eyes set on the city that the writer sang about and called home.
A collaboration between Casa Fernando Pessoa and Castelo de São Jorge, to discover Pessoa’s Lisbon in a unique way.
27 May
17 June
22 July
12 August
10:30 am – 12:30pm Guided tour in English
3pm – 5pm Guided tour in Portuguese
– Tour guide Ricardo Belo Morais
– Organized by Casa Fernando Pessoa
– Maximum 25 participants
– Price 10€ (does not include full access to Castelo de São Jorge)
– Meeting point: Main Square of Castelo de São Jorge
– Buy tickets online: https://casa-fernando-pessoa.byblueticket.pt/Evento?IdEvento=8979
Contact for more info:
+351 213 913 270 | info@casafernandopessoa.pt