Play Festival
Play Festival 2023
27th & 28th May, 1st, 3rd and 4th of June
From 2pm to 6pm
Castelo de São Jorge and Estrelas e Ouriços prepare a festival dedicated do children and play!
We celebrate World Play Day and Children’s Day with a week filled with games, from both modern and ancient times, and various educational activities that promise lots of fun.
Join us for this memorable programme for the whole family.
Castle ticket + 3,5 € festival ticket
With Castelo de São Jorge Educational Services and Estrelas & Ouriços
Download the full programme here.
More info here.
servicoeducativo@castelodesaojorge.pt (Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 5.30 pm)
+351 218 800 620 (weekends)