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Castelo de São Jorge offers several workshops for kids and families, as well as specialized tours for all ages and persons with special needs. Check the programme and make your booking.

De um caco, faz-se um prato

De um caco, faz-se um prato

Descobrir as formas e os contornos do Castelo

Descobrir as formas e os contornos do Castelo

O que liga as pedras do Castelo?

O que liga as pedras do Castelo?

Puzzles com história – Reconstruir monumentos da cidade

Puzzles com história – Reconstruir monumentos da cidade

Workshops for the whole familyMonday to Friday at 11am  or at 3pm
€4 | Length 1h | Portuguese | maximum 15 participants (child and adult) | Over 6s | Accompanied by two technicians from the Educational Service | Direct booking at the ticket office 10 minutes before the scheduled time, or advance booking via | +351 218 800 620
Workshops for kids (weekends)Weekends at 11am  or at 3pm
€4 | Length 1h | Portuguese | maximum 15 participants (child and adult – 1 chaperone free) | from 4 to 9 years |
Accompanied by a technician from the Educational Service | Direct booking at the ticket office 10 minutes before the scheduled time, or advance booking via | +351 218 800 620
Specialized workshopsWorkshops for all ages, carried out by Educational Service or Conservation and Restoration technicians, during the week, or at the weekend, by appointment.
€4 | Duration 1h | Portuguese | maximum 20 participants
Booking | +351 218 800 620 
Workshops for people with special needs
€4 | duration 1 hour | Portuguese | maximum of 20 participants
Booking  | +351 218 800 620

*Note: Whenever weather conditions do not allow the activity to be carried out outdoors, and whenever it can be carried out indoors, it will be carried out in the Ogival Room.