Making the Castle a Melody – Musical Workshop
Making the Castle a Melody – Musical Workshop
Workshop for families
What if we made music from the castle? Is it possible to turn a building, monument, or even an object into music? That is, to convert what is material and built into a rhythmic melody?
Transpose its materiality to the musical universe and then simply play that song. We promise that in addition to being possible, it will be a lot of fun! We’ll talk about the history of music and how Castelo de São Jorge was linked to this art.
October 1st – World Music Day – Sunday
3pm | length 1h
Ages 4+ | Maximum 15 participants
+ €4 per person
Booking required
servicoeducativo@castelodesaojorge.pt (Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 5.30 pm)
+351 218 800 620 (every day)