Ouch, my tooth hurts… I’m going to the barber!
What was a barber doing aboard a ship? And why did the barber have a plate? Was the plate for his lunch or perhaps for his cat’s food? On International Health Day, we’ll be focusing on hygiene aboard the ships that would travel from Lisbon to India in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, establishing parallels between today’s practices. In this workshop, we encourage curiosity by questioning the meaning of objects and exploring images of ships that we find around the Castle, as well as promote good personal hygiene practices that are essential to our well-being.
Workshop for families
April 8th – International Health Day – Saturday
3 pm | Age 6+ | Length 1h
+ €4 per person
Booking required
servicoeducativo@castelodesaojorge.pt (Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 5.30 pm)
+351 218 800 620 (every day)