Tour of the Castle’s Museum
On the first Sunday of every month, Castelo de São Jorge organizes a guided tour of its museum.
On this tour we will approach the History of the Castle through a specific artefact, historical period, or theme present in the museum.
The collection is a testimony to the evolution of the city, as well as its various cultures and lifestyles, proving a crucial vestige of the city’s history. Come discover this collection that spans from the 5th to the 18th century.
Guided tour
February 5th – Sunday
11.30 am | Age 12+ | Length aprox. 45 mins.
+ 4 € per person
Booking required
servicoeducativo@castelodesaojorge.pt (Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 5.30 pm)
+351 218 800 620 (every day)